Join us for Worship on Sundays at 11:00am

A Thoughtful, Joyful, and Diverse Congregation in Richmond, Virginia
Welcoming Statement
We at Ginter Park Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia, celebrate the diversity of God’s creation. In light of God’s unconditional grace and Jesus’ hospitality, we welcome into our fellowship all who desire to be part of this community of faith. We affirm all people equally, regardless of social, economic or marital status, race, ability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, or previous religious affiliation. As we are freely loved and accepted by God, we will offer love and acceptance in this congregation.
Therefore, all the sacraments, celebrations, privileges, and responsibilities of membership shall be open to every member of this congregation. These include participation in all services of worship, the availability of pastoral care, attendance at congregational meetings, the right to vote, eligibility for church leadership, as well as opportunities for fellowship, education, and service.
As a congregation, we are committed to living together in such a way that we give witness to Christ’s sacrificial life, saving death, and glorious resurrection. Loved and accepted by God, we will offer love and acceptance in this congregation.
-- adopted by GPPC's leadership in 2002
Join Us
Worship Times
September through May, Worship begins at 11:00am.
In June, July and August, Worship begins at 10:00am.
There are three doors to the sanctuary—one facing Walton Avenue, one facing the grassy area, and one that opens onto the brick archway.
We Sing A Lot
Our worship includes music from a variety of traditions and countries, including American Sign Language during the singing of the "Gloria." Please feel free to join in or listen in - whatever makes you comfortable. If you'd like to sing in the choir, you're welcome to!
Children & Worship
Children are always welcome to worship with us! In the sanctuary we have a children’s worship area at the front on the right side, stocked with crayons and supplies for quiet activity during the worship hour. Children can sit with their parents there or in any of the pews. Please don’t worry if your child wants to fidget (or dance!) during worship. We understand that’s part of who children are. We encourage whispered questions and explanations during worship, too! The nursery is also available during Worship, if you would prefer.
What to Wear
We have no dress code. Whether you are dressed formally or informally, God welcomes you, and so do we.
Sunday Classes
September through May we hold faith formation classes for adults beginning at 9:30am. One class meets in the Fellowship Hall and explores a variety of topics. The other class meets in our Library and is a gentle, prayerful study of the Bible. Elementary Sunday School takes place every other Sunday, following a lunch for parents and children. Middle and High School youth also meet on Sundays after lunch, or monthly for an evening Compline (sung bedtime prayer).
Nursery Care
We have a nursery for infants and small children during worship. You’ll find the nursery by entering the Education Building from the brick archway; it’s the first door on the right. Parents provide cell phone numbers so that the nursery staff can easily notify parents during worship, if a need arises.
In addition to street parking along Walton and Seminary Avenues, we have a large paved lot behind the church. You can access the lot from Walton Avenue (near the corner of Chamberlayne Avenue) or from Seminary Avenue (you can’t see the lot from Seminary Avenue, but the driveway that hugs the north side of the Education Building will get you to it).
In the paved lot behind the church, the spaces closest to the brick archway are designated accessible parking spaces. You’ll find a covered drive-through where people may exit cars and access the brick archway without getting wet in the rain. Please allow passengers to exit, then pull through and park so that others may use the drive-through.
Restrooms in the main areas are accessible.