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We interrupt this blog...

Updated: Jun 11, 2018

to bring you a special announcement:

Does someone in your family love baseball? Have you enjoyed games at the Diamond? Maybe your local baseball experience goes back more than three decades to Parker Field. If that applies, you might want to purchase a book by GPPC member Randy Hallman — and benefit GPPC at the same time.

Randy collaborated with fellow writer Phil Stanton, publisher Wayne Dementi, and businessman Bobby Ukrop to produce “The Diamond: Miracle on the Boulevard.” It’s about the regional political cooperation, public-private partnership, and grassroots support that made it possible for The Diamond to be built. And it’s about the architectural, engineering, and contracting feat of getting the stadium built in less than eight months.

Besides the usual retail and online sources, Randy has a few cases of books to sell himself. And for any books sold to GPPC folks, his cut — $10 of the $30 price — will be donated to GPPC. He will bring books to church (the next two Sundays are just in time for Father’s day) or you can email him at

The books are signed by Randy, Phil, and Bobby, and Randy can add a personal note if you like.

We note that "The Diamond: Miracle on the Boulevard" relates a story of impressive regional cooperation among the city and nearby counties, a topic of study over the years at GPPC. You may be amazed.


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