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Thank You, GPPC!

The last 20 months have been hard on me as well as others. Recently I started thinking how thankful I have been for GPPC over those 20 months.

Thank you to those who kept the church office running during the pandemic. Thanks to those for figuring out Zoom so that we members could continue to get our “church on” while worshipping in pajamas and with our pets. It was good to see familiar faces on Sundays during those months when many of us went hardly anywhere. Thanks for providing meaningful sermons, guest preachers, wonderful music and musical guests. Weekly communion was meaningful where we could provide our own elements for the body and blood of Christ. Communion brought new meaning to coffee, orange juice, soft drinks and biscuits, cookies, or donuts.

Many members have carried on various church missions and provided services to the life of the church. Thank you to the Session members, committee teams, and GPPC members. Thank you for the beautiful new cross in the courtyard. Thank you to the counting teams, greeters, and ushers. Thanks to those who saw a new need of a Sunday morning breakfast program and those who continued Sunday School for our adult home neighbors. Thank you to church members for your continued support for activities for the Palace even through limited contact during the pandemic.

Thank you for our continued involvement with RISC last year using Zoom. Thank you for the development of our wonderful Kairos statement which so powerfully speaks to our beliefs, especially racism and LGBTQIA+ rights. Thank you for our partnering with Duron Chavis and his gardening initiative using the church land at the corner of Brook Road and Walton Ave.

Now that we are back to worshipping in person, thank you to for continuing to provide a live worship service on Sundays through Facebook. Thanks for providing a children’s church service before the regular worship service.

Thank you, GPPC, for all you have done and what you continue to do.

Cheri Nutty is a 30+ year member of GPPC. She can often be found babysitting her first granddaughter or riding her bicycle with her husband, Steve. She is also an incoming member of the Session.



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