I love the phrase “a quiet success” used in describing the summer yoga classes. To our neighbors we had said, “Come, do this with us” – and a few responded. A seed of trust was planted.
I must not push the example too far, but something about the commonality speaks to me. My neighbor has needs, but so do I; I have something to give, but so does he. We will have more honest conversation if our attitude conveys that.
One other thought – As we continue to seek God’s will for us, I hope we will remember that our fellow Christians are doing the same. God has guided Northminster to tutoring, First United to work with adolescent girls, St. Thomas to monthly open house, Battery Park to medical clinic, GPPC to garden and block parties…and on, and on. There just might be something we could – or should – do together if we listen to, learn from, pray with each other.
Thanks – and cheers! – Betsy Rice
P.S. If you think this is a thinly-veiled reference to the hope that, in some form, Concerned Northside Congregations will continue, you may be right! BR
*author’s original title “Random Thoughts” augmented by the editors
Betsy Rice is a lifelong member of GPPC! Her involvement in ministries in and outside the church’s walls – dating back further than most of us can remember – continues today. During World War II, Betsy worked as a computer. Be sure to ask her what that means.