Is it strange to say that I missed it? Being a part of Session, that is. Who wants to be in more meetings? This guy (see photo).

Six years ago, when Carla asked me to serve on Session, I was very hesitant. I hemmed, hawed, and resisted. Carla has since named the initial push back and reluctance to serving on Session “pulling an Andy Lacatell.” Little did I know at the time how much I would enjoy and grow from my time on Session that first time around. So, yes, I have missed it. .
In preparation for the upcoming term, I have been thinking about new ways of approaching how we care for the resources that have been entrusted to us. God has blessed us with people, place and plenty. We have an amazing church staff, a beautiful building and campus and we are financially strong. Expanding our idea of stewardship beyond money and using our resources for impact in our community and our world is what is motivating me at this important time in our church, national, and world history.
The next few years seem exciting and challenging to me. I am both confident in who we are as a congregation of God's people and anxious about the times we're living in. I know that I am sufficient in God's eyes, but I feel imperfect and insufficient for the task at hand.
But I am needed. You are needed. We are needed.
When I hesitated to serve on Session the first time, I should have asked “What was I holding on to? Why was I being selfish?” I wanted more time to myself. I wanted to protect my money. I didn't want to share my talents and skills. I didn't think I had talents and skills to share.
As a church, we have held on to land. And we've protected money in our endowment. We thought we had time and we could address institutional and systemic problems later. But, as our Kairos statement shares, the time is now to use our resources for good.
And I am still assessing what I am holding on to and what is required of me at this point in history. There's been plenty of time for reflection over the last year and half. I know that I need to let go. I know that I can do more if I hold on to less.
As you may correctly gather, Andy Lacatell is coming onto our Session for his second term. This summer's new Session members are sharing reflections in this space.