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Love and Care Are Here

Hi, I’m Diane Estep.

I’ve been at GPPC since B.C. - that’s Before Carla. I’m a member now and this will be my second time on the Session.

I’m caring for my great niece and nephew, DaVonna and Damien, twins who will be 14 this October.

I love being a voice for the voiceless and, hopefully, sharing what I’ve experienced as a black person in these United States. As hatred reigns strong with a president who endorses division and hate, I’m happy to be a member here.

Love is here, caring people are here, folks trying to do the right things are here. We are far from perfect, but we’re doing God’s work. I hope in this term on the Session, God will use me to do things his way.

Thanks to Diane for contributing to our series of reflections from incoming Elders.

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