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It's Time for GODSPELL!

The phrase “come and sing about love” has become a mantra for the musical Godspell. Writer Steven Schwartz tells a story of how the show’s first director, Michael Tebelak, was turned away from an Easter Sunday service because of the way he was dressed and his very trendy Afro. Schwartz talks about how this instance of exclusion, along with the political climate and the Vietnam War, drove Tebelak to want to share the teachings of Jesus, and the enormous love of God. So the two partnered to create the work that became Godspell. From the baptism of Jesus to the crucifixion, Schwartz and Tebelak wind the audience through the gospel of Matthew with storytelling and powerful music. The close attention to detail paid during the writing and production of the show resulted in a powerful message, one of sharing the love God has for the world, and the love that holds all people. Godspell truly is a story of love.

I want to invite you to come Saturday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m. to Ginter Park Presbyterian Church for the 2016 production of Godspell, offered by the GPPC Youth and their leaders. It has been such a joy to watch the youth of Ginter Park experience this musical. Along with Doug Brown, PJ Freebourn, Paige Reisenfeld, and Elizabeth Eason, they have been working for months with energy, care and joy. This has been an incredible process, full of growth and hard work – and believe me, Saturday night is going to ROCK!

So, come and sing about the love of God, the love that heals brokenness and breaks down walls. Come and sing about the love that welcomes all people and knows no bounds. Come and sing about love that gives hope and light to the world, a love that is stronger than death. Come and sing about love with us!

We hope to see you there!

(And if you want to see our fantastic group in action, look below!  It will definitely make you want to be with them on Saturday!)

Essie Reinke is a 2nd level student at Union Presbyterian Seminary and a leader of our youth group. She left her own name off the list of energetic young adults who are helping make Godspell happen, but as you will see Saturday night, she is a key member of the production.


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