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Epiphany Stars

During the offering on Sunday, January 6, you will receive an Epiphany star. An Epiphany Star is a construction paper star. This year the stars were made by members of the Coffee & Conversation class of GPPC. Written on each star is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Some gifts are traditional: faith, hope and love, for instance. Others are more whimsical: like creativity or humor or simplicity. The stars will come around in baskets, and you’re encouraged to pick one randomly – without peeking at the words and choosing your favorite one. Then wear it. There’s a pin on the star so that you can. There’s a certain “magic” to this – a sort of “fortune cookie quality” to these stars – but you might also call it providence . . . . The idea is that the gift written upon your star is God’s gift to you in the coming year, and in turn, your gift to God . . . also that you have something to learn from this gift no matter what you think of it at first blush.


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