Join us for Worship on Sundays at 11:00am

A Thoughtful, Joyful, and Diverse Congregation in Richmond, Virginia
Black Lives Matter.
God says so.
In this God-moment - this kairos - God is undoing us. God is remaking us.
Among our congregation, as in our city and world, are members whose ancestors were enslaved, colonized, and exploited for economic benefit.
Among our congregation, as in our city and world, are members whose ancestors were enslavers, colonizers, and exploiters.
Among us are those who bear the burdens of prejudice and systemic racism.
Among us are those who enjoy lives of white privilege.
White supremacy harms us all.
God is undoing us. God is remaking us.
Here we repent with broken hearts. Here we listen with humility. Here we witness with courage.
We condemn the theft of life from Black people, Indigenous people, People of Color, and the steady hand of oppression and disenfranchisement under which they continue to suffer.
We repent, individually and as the church, of the ways we have been complicit with injustice, prejudice, racism, and the suffering caused by our ignorance, silence, and intent.
In all of these actions and inactions, we have been wrong.
We are profoundly sorry.
God is undoing us. God is remaking us.
We welcome all: Black people, Indigenous people, People of Color, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, people of all abilities, immigrants from every nation, white people across the spectrum of awareness.
We extend Christ's welcome to people in all stages of brokenness, lostness, and seeking.
We commit to doing better:
We will examine our lives together and as individuals, identifying and calling out the insidious nature of white supremacy.
We will tell our histories with integrity, particularly of our church and our city.
We will name, resist, and work to dismantle the structures of racism and white privilege.
In all these things, we will need and trust God’s help.
With God’s help, through Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will seek the shalom of liberation, restoration, dignity, and joy for all of God’s creation.
Kairos moments are propitious ones for decision and action.
For Christians, these emerge from discernment of and commitment to God's will.
Kairos evokes the now and the not yet of God’s kingdom.