Join us for Worship on Sundays at 11:00am

A Thoughtful, Joyful, and Diverse Congregation in Richmond, Virginia
Local and U.S. Missions
In a broken and fearful word, the Spirit gives us courage – to pray without ceasing, to witness among all peoples to Christ as Lord and Savior, to unmask idolatries in church and culture, to hear the voices of peoples long silenced, and to work with others for justice, freedom, and peace.
We are a Matthew 25 Church
Being a Matthew 25 church means that we are actively engaged in the following ministries:
Building congregational vitality by challenging people and congregations to deepen their faith and get actively and joyfully engaged with their community and the world.
Dismantling structural racism by advocating and acting to break down the systems, practices and thinking that underlie discrimination, bias, prejudice and oppression of people of color.
Eradicating systemic poverty by working to change laws, policies, plans and structures in our society that perpetuate economic exploitation of people who are poor.
Brook Road Youth Farm
In July 2021 GPPC began a ten-year relationship with Happily Natural Day and Duron Chavis; they have established an educational urban farming space on land at the corner of Brook Road and Walton Avenue. We are excited to support their development of a space where people will come together, the earth will be fertile, and neighbors will be nourished in multiple ways. You are welcome to take part! Check the GPPC newsletter here or the Happily Natural Day website for news about volunteer opportunities.
Adult Home Ministry
It's been a particular blessing for members of GPPC to build relationships with residents of "The Palace" adult home on Chamberlayne Avenue. Many Palace residents gather in GPPC's library for coffee and Bible Study on Sunday mornings, and on the third Friday of every month, GPPC members visit the Palace for an evening of snacks and shared activities. Annually we share special events such as a Fourth of July picnic and Christmas party.
LGBTQIA+ Advocacy and Support
GPPC has been a long-time advocate and supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community. We seek partnerships that help us live out our belief that every person is a beloved child of God, worthy of love, acceptance, dignity, and empowerment. We are a congregational member of More Light Presbyterians. Locally we support Side by Side, an organization dedicated to creating supportive communities where LGBTQIA+ youth can define themselves, belong, and flourish. We have been proud to host Side by Side's annual prom on several occasions.
Food Access Ministries
Quarterly, on Sundays we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, GPPC conducts food drives to remember that God feeds us, so we are able to feed each other. Food Drive donations go to Feed More, which serves thirty-four cities and counties in central Virginia, or the St. Thomas Food Pantry which mostly serves our more immediate neighbors in Northside Richmond. There are many ways to volunteer at St. Thomas, which is just one block from GPPC. A number of GPPC members like to volunteer on Thursdays, enjoying each others company, while also providing help and care to our neighbors.
Engaging Our Communities through Public Schools and School Boards
This is one of GPPC's current emphases, and we meet monthly on second Sundays (9:30am to 10:30am) to brainstorm and plan our individual and collective engagement. We are working on
1) strengthening our partnership with Frances McClenney Elementary School,
2) engaging in public education advocacy, and
3) improving the way we organize within GPPC to support Richmond Publich Schools.
Financial Assistance
As a member congregation of ACTS (Area Congregations Together in Service), GPPC makes referrals for individuals whose temporary financial needs threaten them with homelessness. ACTS provides financial assistance and coordinates professional social services for those in need
GPPC supports the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, assisting faith communities across the state to fulfill the call to advocate for dignity and justice for all people. Along with the Interfaith Center, we encourage our members to learn about the issues challenging our communities, pray for guidance and discernment, and act to make Virginia a more just and compassionate Commonwealth. Speakers from the Center have conducted workshops at GPPC on the Care of God’s Creation, Health Care and Payday Loan reform.
Special Offerings
GPPC participates in the four annual churchwide offerings of the PC(USA). These offerings are received during our Sunday morning worship. In the past, our special offerings have also supported the Virginia Center for Restorative Justice, the Central Virginia Sanctuary Network and Camp Hanover.
Community Impact Grants
In recent years, GPPC has committed to using proceeds from our Endowment intentionally to fund non-profit organizations outside of GPPC that are engaged in work to make our communities stronger and help those in need. We believe this is a way to support Christ’s ongoing life and work in our community and throughout the world. Any member of GPPC can nominate an organization for a grant. We are grateful for the variety of passions and concerns evident here, and we are honored to support these organizations.
ACTS (Area Congregations Together in Service)
ASCV (The Autism Society of Central Virginia)
Art for the Journey
Assisting Families of Inmates
Camp Hanover
Coming Together Virginia
Crossover Healthcare Ministry
The Doorways
Every Table
Family Resource Center
Friends of Bryan Park
Greater Richmond Fit4Kids
John B Cary Elementary PTA
La Gonave Haiti Partners
Massanetta Springs Camp and Conference Center
Midwives for Haiti
NAMI Central Virginia
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance in Puerto Rico
Richmond Allied Voices
Richmond City Bail Fund
Richmond Cycling Corps
Richmond Public Schools Education Foundation Healing Response Fund
RVA Light
Seven Hills Family Medicine
Shalom Farms
St Thomas Food Pantry
Union Presbyterian Seminary (Yaupon Place)
Urban Baby Beginnings