Join us for Worship on Sundays at 11:00am

A Thoughtful, Joyful, and Diverse Congregation in Richmond, Virginia
Listen . . . . Listen, God is calling, through the Word inviting, offering forgiveness, comfort and joy!
These words are part of a Tanzanian song we sing often toward the beginning of worship at Ginter Park Presbyterian Church. I think it says a great deal about this congregation and our understanding of God.
We believe, first of all, that God is calling out to us and to all people – longing for everyone to listen. In God’s Word embodied in Jesus Christ . . . in the beautiful, challenging, sometimes confusing words of Scripture . . . in wisdom and truth woven throughout God’s creation, God is calling, offering gifts that are good beyond our imagining: rest for the weary, friendship for the lonely, forgiveness for people ridden with guilt, purpose for people wanting to make a difference, comfort for the grieving, hope for the despairing, courage to do what’s right, joy to fill the days.
Certainly it is possible to open yourself to God’s presence and purpose in your life apart from a church, but the benefits of life together are great. We listen with greater clarity when we wait together for direction from God. We serve with more energy when we work side-by-side. We sing with startling beauty when our voices are united. We resemble God more nearly when we assemble – a diverse body of believers and seekers attempting to follow Christ.
We would love to have you join us – as a member or visitor; you are welcome anytime to GPPC. Our Sunday worship is a great place to start, but if some other introduction to the church might suit you better, please give me a call; I’d be glad to discuss the possibilities with you.
Grace and peace,
Carla Pratt Keyes,