Join us for Worship on Sundays at 11:00am

A Thoughtful, Joyful, and Diverse Congregation in Richmond, Virginia
Lent through Easter with GPPC

March 5, 2025, - Ash Wednesday
6:00pm Supper Church
First United Presbyterian Church will join GPPC for Ash Wednesday
worship and supper in our Fellowship Hall.
(The Ash Wednesday bulletin will be posted online here when ready.)
Please enter the GPPC Fellowship Hall through the Courtyard
(from the parking lot, go up the ramp, through the iron gate, then to your right).
Sundays, March 9 through April 6, 2025
11:00am Worship
The season of Lent is a time for growth in faith - through prayer, spiritual practice, and self-examination in preparation for the commemoration of the dying and rising of Jesus Christ. The Revised Common Lectionary will guide our Lenten journey.
April 13, 2025 - Palm / Passion Sunday
11:00am Worship
Palm / Passion Sunday is a particularly stirring day in the worship life of GPPC.
We will gather in front of the Sanctuary at 11:00am for a processional with palm branches and Ghanaian drumming. The service will conclude with the reading of the story of Jesus' death.
We hope you'll join us in person if you can, but if not,
live-stream videos of our worship are preserved on YouTube.
Worship bulletins are available here, beginning each Friday before the service.
April 17, 2025 - Maundy Thursday
(Time TBD) Evening Worship at First United Presbyterian Church
GPPC has been invited to join First United Presbyterian Church for Maundy Thursday
worship at their location, 3401 North Ave, Richmond, VA 23222. More information to follow.
April 18, 2025 - Good Friday
7:00pm Worship
GPPC will host a service of scripture readings, hymns, songs, and prayer.
The congregation of First United Presbyterian Church will join us
in the GPPC Sanctuary for this service.
April 20, 2025 - Easter Sunday
11:00am Worship
Our celebration of Christ's resurrection will take place in the GPPC Sanctuary. It will include the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. As an expression of our communion with people around the world, we will also participate in the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. Additional information on the offering and how to give follow below. We hope you'll join us in person if you can, but if not,
live-stream videos of our worship are preserved on YouTube.
Worship bulletins are available here, beginning each Friday before the service.
Special Offering - One Great Hour of Sharing
Through four church-wide Special Offerings throughout the year, Presbyterians share Christ's love with millions of people around the world. We encourage every member to give to these offerings that connect us to God's work and change lives.
One Great Hour of Sharing is received each Easter, and serves the "least of these" among us by feeding the hungry, empowering the oppressed, and by providing relief to those affected by catastrophic events. To give directly to OGHS, click here. To give to GPPC, click here.