Join us for Worship on Sundays at 11:00am

A Thoughtful, Joyful, and Diverse Congregation in Richmond, Virginia
Our Mission
The mission of GPPC is to embody God’s love by cultivating community, practicing hope, repairing harm, and doing justice
as Jesus did.
GPPC’S Vision
(established 2023)
GPPC will labor with God’s Spirit
to transform ourselves, metro-Richmond, and
the world, so that everyone can live a full and abundant life as Christ intends. (John 10:10)
In the next three years, we will do this by
1) Cultivating relationships with God
and one another
2) Deepening our understanding
of racism and white supremacy culture and
working to dismantle structures of oppression
3) Engaging our communities
through our public schools and school boards
GPPC’S Values
Welcoming and affirming everybody
Nurturing love of God,
neighbor, and self through
worship, education, and service
Courageously collaborating with the triune God
to transform ourselves, metro-Richmond, and
the world to bring more of the peace and justice
God intends
Repairing the harm
done by racism, anti-LGBTQIA+ discrimination, sexism, and white supremacy culture
Cultivating a reverence for nature,
while working to restore God’s Creation