Join us for Worship on Sundays at 11:00am

A Thoughtful, Joyful, and Diverse Congregation in Richmond, Virginia
Faith Formation and Fellowship
Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers
As part of our ministry to children and families, nursery care is available during worship. Volunteers (all of whom undergo a background check) work alongside a professional caregiver. Along with spoiling the socks off our tiniest members, these volunteers read Bible stories, beginning faith formation early! Of course, children and babies are welcome in worship, too, but if parents would like a break, we’ve got them covered.

Elementary Education
In response to family schedules and hopes for more leisurely Sunday mornings, kids in grades K-5 have their Sunday School time after worship every other Sunday. We start with lunch in the Fellowship Hall – for parents and children! – followed by music and lessons in the upstairs classroom. We end with recess. Parents are encouraged to use this time to enjoy fellowship or study with each other, join in the class, run an errand, or just catch your breath! Pick up time is at 2:30pm. We’re using a story-based curriculum that will cover most of the major stories over three years. Coming consistently will build a base for critical thinking about scripture as our kids grow. We’ll also continue some of the spiritual practices previously taught and learn more about the elements of worship.

Middle / High School & Youth Group
Middle School and High School students are invited to stay after Worship for lunch, games, choir, and conversation about how to navigate this big, confusing world as a member of Christ’s church. Usually our gatherings finish around 2:30pm. Monthly, we gather in the evenings instead, sharing dinner and Compline (a service of bedtime prayer). Youth also gather occasionally for service projects, retreats, and fun outings. Please check our newsletter here for current information.
Adult Faith Formation
GPPC is blessed with remarkable resources for education, and we seek to draw on those resources (such wise and talented people!) and provide a variety of classes to challenge, guide, and support our members as they grow in the Christian life and faith. Whe have explored topics as diverse as death and the afterlife in the Bible, the challenge of antiracism, and Christian perspectives on sex, gender, and gender identification. This class meets on Sundays at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall. Please check our newsletter here for current information.

Adult Bible Study
This class chooses a book of the Bible and works through it one chapter a week. Using discussion questions provided by The Study Bible and exploring other reference books, participants seek to bring life experiences to the text and see how the text informs and challenges. All are welcome to join, as our study is enriched by the experiences, questions and reflections of others. Bible Study meets on Sundays at 9:30am in the GPPC Library, with the option of moving to the Mizpah Conference Room as class size increases.

Supper Church
Supper Church is a way we seek to celebrate Christ’s rising and presence among us through an alternative form of worship – the sharing of a sacred meal. From preparation of the meal to clean-up, each aspect of Supper plays a role in the order of worship, allowing us to explore a style of worship shared by Jesus and his followers. Dates and times vary, so watch the church calendar for the next scheduled Supper Church. Come to the table, there’s a place waiting for you!
Presbyterian Women Circle
A small group of women meet monthly for Bible study, mission outreach, and the chance to foster friendships within the church.
Book Group
Our Book Group meets either at the church or in members’ homes every four to six weeks, generally around 12:30pm on a Wednesday. While the time and location varies, the dedication to lively discussion does not. The group has tackled a wide range of books, including Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea, and The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee, just to name a few. You’re welcome to join the group discussion for any book that interests you.