Join us for Worship on Sundays at 11:00am

A Thoughtful, Joyful, and Diverse Congregation in Richmond, Virginia
Learning from and Caring for Our Church Community
The life of faith is both satisfying and challenging – best supported by friends in faith. Through fellowship and educational opportunities, our members and visitors come to know one another and grow in faith together – engaging head, heart, and hands in the exploration of God’s Word and will.
At GPPC we connect with neighbors and friends in fellowship in many different ways. As we enjoy a meal together or play with our neighbors at the neighborhood block party or attend our inter-generational spring retreat, we develop relationships that nourish and strengthen us.
Learning opportunities take place in a variety of ways. While age groupings, topics and options changes from year to year, current options for involvement can be found by clicking on items in the drop down menu.
Several times during the year, all ages gather before worship for learning in our fellowship hall. Whether 4 or 94, we all learn something from each other.